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Monday, May 8, 2017


Material :

-    1 pack of Instant Noodles
-    3 tablespoons of Margarine
-    50 gr of Corned Beef
-    3 pieces of Chicken Eggs (shake off)
-    3 tablespoons of Sweet Corn
-    1 teaspoon of Salt
-    1 teaspoon of Pepper Powder

How to make :

-    Boil instant noodles, drain.
-    Heat margarine. Then saute sweet corn and corned beef until the color changes. Add instant noodles that have been boiled earlier, mix well.
-    Pour the eggs that have been shake off before, then give seasoning salt and pepper. Cook until well done. Lift and serve.

Have a Nice Eat …❤✌❤


Material :

-    400 gr of Shank Beef (sliced width 1 cm thick)
-    2 stalks of Lemongrass (tossed)
-    2 sheets of Bay Leaf
-    2 cm of Ginger (tossed)
-    ½ teaspoon of Pepper Powder
-    1 teaspoon of Salt
-    ½ teaspoon of Sugar
-    750 ml of Coconut Milk
-    3 tablespoons of Sweet Soy Sauce
-    2 tablespoons of Cooking Oil

Ground Spices Material :

-    3 cloves of Garlic
-    7 cloves of Red Onion
-    3 pieces of Red Curly Chilli
-    3 grains of Candlenut (roasted)

How to make :

-    Heat cooking oil, stir-fry ground spices material, add lemongrass, ginger and bay leaf until smelled good.
-    Put the shank beef, stir until the color changes. Add salt, sugar, sweet soy sauce and pepper powder. Stir back.
-    Pour the coconut milk little by little. Cook until the spices soak and tender meat. Lift and serve.

Have a Nice Eat …❤✌❤


Material :

-    2 pieces of White Tofu (puree)
-    3 stalks of Carrots (box cut)
-    2 pieces of Chicken Eggs
-    2 stalks of Celery Leaf (finely sliced)
-    1 pack of Instant Noodles (boiled)
-    150 gr of Chicken (milled)

Spices Material :

-    ½ teaspoon of Pepper
-    3 cloves of Garlic
-    1 teaspoon of Salt
-    Cooking Oil (to taste)

How to make :

-    Mix all material and spices on top of the container, mix well.
-    Then form the dough into a round or according to taste.
-    Fry the dough tofu with hot fire until brownish yellow.
-    Lift and serve.

Have a Nice Eat …❤✌❤
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